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Giant Article Writers Checklist (Become A Pro)

Here is an example of a title and what my expectations are in your writing.

The 7 Types of Men explained (Number 4 will Shock You)

  1. Headline is the heart of the article and it must not be changed or adjusted, as the main keyword will be in it. (in the example headline above, the keyword is “Types of Men”

2. To start writing your article, you have to open the introduction with the keyword as fast as possible in the most natural way.

Lets use the example above. If i am to start the introduction on the title “types of men”, I will write:

The world has over 8 billion men but there are over 7 types of men, even when they have almost the same features.

It is straight to the answer in the first line. This is what you have to do (and bold it as well) before you write more on the introduction. If the title is a question, answer the title directly in the first line of the introduction as well.

3. It is also important that you use the word “I” every time you are writing, not other words like; they, we etc. For example, I was a victim of nature, thinking all men have the same make, but I will tell you how to spot the difference.

Now!! you see how I used “I” and not We, They etc. except necessary

4. Be aware to stay away from bad introduction, just as the image above. Be a writer, you can check the type other writers are using when you are on research.

5. After the introduction, it is time for sub titles also known as H2 headings.

Please make sure the keyword is in the title. for example

What are The Types of Men

Remember that “types of men” is the keywords in this example.

Check out that I am not using all capital letters, It is expected that all sub headings should have only first letter in capital while others are in small, like the example above.

6. Now after the first sub heading, It is time to fill in the body of the content.

These are also sub headings (H2 headings).

The first thing to note is the number of lines per sentence. Ensure you only have maximum of 3 lines per sentence (2 lines is always the best, for easy readability)

Also note that the length of article per subheading is to be kept between 150-300 words.

If what you have to write about a subtopic is too long, please summarize or use bullet points to make it straight to the point or precise

7. Talking about bullet points, It is really important that you have between 2 or 3 bullet points in your articles, especially when you have walls of text and you want to break it for easy readability and text formatting.

8. There is a supposed word count that you have to honor when writing a article, but sometimes the information about a particular title may not be available and since you have to stay as close to the title in your discussion as possible, then you need to do this that I am about to tell you.

Always use the “People Also Ask” on google to get related questions about the main topic that you are treating.

Let me show you an example

If you go to google and query “types of men” If you scroll down a bit, you will see the block titles “People Also ask”

Now from here you will see a numerous number of likely questions that can fit into your article perfectly.

Here is the catch, just think about your title, whoever needs to search on this title, what else would they be interested in that you can answer. “People also ask” will be a great help on this.

To get so many questions in the drop down (Like the image above), I am sure, you are wondering “How?”… Let me show you

You will have to tap on the arrow pointing down like in the image below.

Every time you tap, it will open a new 3 questions beneath the last former question. Just like this in the image.

This is how you get relevant questions to answer in your article in details.

I expect that you should answer minimum of 7 questions per article ( You can answer more, provided they are related to the title closely).

Now let us talk about more things like: the conclusion, number of words, plagiarism etc.

9. Every article must have a conclusion. It is not expected to be long, it has to be concise and straight to summary point. 100 – 150 words is appropriate here.

10. The expected word count of your article should be 2200 minimum. I am aware a lot of us may be thinking, How will I be able to write this. Here is a tutorial I thought on the African Giant YouTube channel.

Note: You can fast-forward to 14th minutes, so you can get straight into the two ways you can write articles immediately.

11. Now after you have seen a title and you think or know that you cannot write about it, please send it back to me by contacting me, so I can replace the title with another one that you will be comfortable with. (There are 500 titles to be written every month, across various niches).

12. Plagiarism is a NO No No… I can keep saying this over and over.. I am aware if you are testing out with the seed keyword, you may not have all the tools needed for you to beat plagiarism, but if all other things discussed above is good, then you will still get in.

The reason for this is we have a free Grammarly tool for all our writers with a free Quillbot Pro tool as well. (This is in addition to our payment structure for these articles written by you)

13. Just like for the case of plagiarism, same applies for grammar and all that is involved. The pro versions of the tools will help you solve this, but ensure you follow the checklist to the letter and you will be in to making money consistently as a Giant writer.

Now: If you are seeing this and you are interested in joining us, email

You will be given a title, and you will try i tout using the above measures stated. Hopefully, you will get how I want you to write and you will get into the Giants Writing Team.